So this is how it is. I was 23 and had just given birth to twin boys. Three months later, my husband's father asked him to come work for a few months for him in Northern Canada and we hesitantly obliged. I wasn't getting any sleep and my husband was working 12 hour shifts. I was home alone most of the day and would sink into sadness when my kids wouldn't go to sleep. A blessing of relief came when my husband's aunts threw me a late baby shower and I received this book from beloved Aunt Kathy. I started to read the book but wasn't able to get through it fast enough. It had so much good material and I couldn't soak it up fast enough. One night, in between my boys waking up every few hours, I sat on the cold bathroom floor completely enthralled with the logic of this book. I started doing her "Pick Up/Put Down" and about one week later, my kids were sleeping through the night. I was a miracle. Heaven-sent.
Since that moment when I realized the value of this book, I have given about 50 copies away at baby showers and lent my book out for reading at least over 10 times as well. I just know that this will save the mothers from the agony that I started to go through and still see mothers go through. If only they knew the BABY WHISPERER!
I found it at Barnes and Noble for $5.99!
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