30 Day Shred- Jillian Michaels

Have you tried this? You know about Jillian, right? From NBC's "The Biggest Loser?" Well, she is by far the toughest cookie that ever came into the exercise video world- and thank goodness for that! After doing this video just one time, I hurt. Bad. Really bad. It wasn't the normal exercise moves that you'd see the little fragile ladies do in the 80's. This is like what people probably do in boot camp to get in shape. You will notice a difference quickly and you'll always love Jillian for doing it! She's changed the way of at-home-hardly-a-workout exercise into something that actually works. Moms now don't have the same old excuse of not being able to get out and exercise because this is all done in-house. It will have you shouting for mercy by the last set of sit ups!

I found it at Amazon.com for $9.99!

1 comment:

Jeni said...

I got this after reading about it on your other blog and I love it! I checked it out at the library to tr it out but it's definitely a keeper!