Victoria's Secret Ipex Bra

Here's what Victoria's Secret has to say about it:

Comfort, support and coverage. Smoother and lighter than ever with no nipple show-through, no matter what. Virtually weightless coverage conceals, never reveals. Microsmooth fabric for a smooth, invisible look under clothes.

Here's what I have to say about it:

LOVE IT! The most comfortable, supportive bra I've ever worn.

On sale right now for $28 BUT try the following codes for even further discount-

fa812793: $10 off any bra

vs25save: 25% off any single item

Plus purchase through and get 2% cash back on top of it all. Now the bra is more affordable.

Toddler Flip-Flops

I have bought these flip-flops from The Children's Place a few years ago for my twins and have been in love with them ever since. They are perfect for little feet and don't irritate or rub too hard between the toes or behind the heel. I bought the Old Navy style on year and ended up throwing them away because they wouldn't stay on my kids' feet. These from The Children's Place, however, are the perfect fit! Plus they're priced very attractively- 2 pairs for $5!

Pink Grapefruit Soap

I love this! The Pink Grapefruit Foaming Soap from Bath and Body Works was discontinued and you couldn't find it anyway but I think they have brought it back online lately since they saw it go out so quickly. Good thing!

I'm not normally a Pink Grapefruit kind of gal, but this soap is sooooo good! It sits in my bathroom providing a little bit of a sweet citrus-y smell every time it is used. Visitors always comment on it's fragrance and can't believe that it's a Pink Grapefruit scent when they look closer to the label.

It's great! A little indulgence.

I got it at the sale that's going on now 3 for $10! A great buy!

(Click on the picture to be taken right to the site!)


I know, it stinks. Have you ever used it on your bathtub, though? I'm telling you- those hard water stains and stinky corners that collect black goo- will be no more when you use vinegar.

A few years ago, my mom had to clean a bathtub in a house that had cats and dogs pretty much living in the bathtub. She tried every product out there to get the film off and stink out but it was only until she tried the vinegar when she noticed a difference. It works great!

Just let the vinegar sit for about 30 seconds on the area you are cleaning and then wipe off the dirt. Don't let the vinegar dry before washing it off or it won't work as well.

It also works really well to clean Pergo floors non-evasively.

I guess it's kind of weird that you cook and clean with the same solution works though! And it's cheap!

30 Day Shred- Jillian Michaels

Have you tried this? You know about Jillian, right? From NBC's "The Biggest Loser?" Well, she is by far the toughest cookie that ever came into the exercise video world- and thank goodness for that! After doing this video just one time, I hurt. Bad. Really bad. It wasn't the normal exercise moves that you'd see the little fragile ladies do in the 80's. This is like what people probably do in boot camp to get in shape. You will notice a difference quickly and you'll always love Jillian for doing it! She's changed the way of at-home-hardly-a-workout exercise into something that actually works. Moms now don't have the same old excuse of not being able to get out and exercise because this is all done in-house. It will have you shouting for mercy by the last set of sit ups!

I found it at for $9.99!

Pride & Prejudice

Have you seen this? Many may argue that the loooong version is much better but you can't argue of Keira Knightley's performance in this as the notorious Elizabeth Bennett. The film not only is the classic love story involving Mr. Darcy but also has unmatched music and scenery. Even my husband is a BIG (understatement) fan. It is the most relaxing movie that is perfect for couples who just want to wind down at the end of a busy week. It takes you back to the good ol' days.

The Baby Whisperer

So this is how it is. I was 23 and had just given birth to twin boys. Three months later, my husband's father asked him to come work for a few months for him in Northern Canada and we hesitantly obliged. I wasn't getting any sleep and my husband was working 12 hour shifts. I was home alone most of the day and would sink into sadness when my kids wouldn't go to sleep. A blessing of relief came when my husband's aunts threw me a late baby shower and I received this book from beloved Aunt Kathy. I started to read the book but wasn't able to get through it fast enough. It had so much good material and I couldn't soak it up fast enough. One night, in between my boys waking up every few hours, I sat on the cold bathroom floor completely enthralled with the logic of this book. I started doing her "Pick Up/Put Down" and about one week later, my kids were sleeping through the night. I was a miracle. Heaven-sent.

Since that moment when I realized the value of this book, I have given about 50 copies away at baby showers and lent my book out for reading at least over 10 times as well. I just know that this will save the mothers from the agony that I started to go through and still see mothers go through. If only they knew the BABY WHISPERER!

I found it at Barnes and Noble for $5.99!

Sugar Free Fudgesicle

This week, while looking for something "healthier" to snack on, I ran (good choice of word!) across this little divine treat. It only has 40 calories and tastes like any other chocolate ice cream bar. No more bowls full of 500 calories for me! You'll like it!

Price: Around $3.29


I came across this fancy little website when I was looking for promotion codes online. It is a website that you use to online shop and actually receive a cash back percentage of your purchase from a long list of online retailers. The cash back percentages range from about 3 to 6 percent but occasionally there will be bonus offers to shop at certain times at certain retailers. There are many websites similar to it but this one actually gives you $5 just for signing up!

The other day I made a purchase at Gap Kids for a Christmas present and received 3% cash back from my purchase. I figure you might as well get paid if you're going to spend the money anyway. Especially around the holiday season where you feel the checkbook crunch even more! Check it out- you'll like it! It's completely free!

The Magic Eraser

I can't have the introduction to this blog talking about Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser and not actually post this little miracle-maker. So it will be the first. The first to receive high acclaim of the ways it has saved me time (hour upon hour) and money- and sanity.

You can use this little product on practicially any stained surface. See the website and back of the box of official useages but it is wonderous little thing from getting crayon of off walls to wiping rust stains out of bathtubs. It's THAT effective. You'll love it.

Usually priced around $6 and will last a long, long time.